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Thursday, 25 June 2009

London Zoo trip!!

Yesterday year 4 went on a great trip to London Zoo. We saw lots of different animals and learnt about Darwin-ready for next week!! We had fun and everyone represented the school well. Good job year 4 .


tyreke said...

i love london zoo. been there 3 times.

tyron3b said...

My little sister went to london zoo ages a go in repcetion she in rb.

Miss Nicholson said...

I hope you all had a great day. I love going to the zoo. What animals dd you see?

hamida 3b said...

What did you see in the zoo?

Rezwana 4green said...

I like the pictures and there pretty cool too!

Adama4green said...

Hi love the pictures because they look fanastic and I enjoyed my day to the trip and my parthner liked it too

Miss Willett said...

Miss Nicholson,
We saw loads of animals. My group saw a tiger (Gideon was centimetres away from it through the glass!!!), giraffes, lions, zebra and lots more. It was FAB!
Miss Willett

isabella robert clack said...

i luv london zoo.

Melisa4B said...

I hope you enjoyed London Zoo.